This is the favorites page. It allows a user to store a list of plants found on this website.
To add a plant to this page navigate to the Plant Seach page in the navigation bar. Select a plant type to search for or put a name in the search bar. This will show a series of plants. Underneath each picture is a link called 'Add to Favorite Plants'. Clicking this link will add this plant to the favorites page. Clicking the plant's name or its image will bring up a detailed view.
The plant details page also has a 'Add to Favorite Plants' button that will add the plant to the favorites page.
To remove a plant from your favorites, navigate to the favorites page by clicking the heart on the right side of the page. This will show the list of favorited plants. Find the plant to remove, and click the Remove from Favorites button next to the plant name. A plant can also be removed from favorites on the plant details page after it has been added to favorites.