Undaunted Ruby Muhly

Muhlenbergia reverchonii

mew-len-BERG-gee-uh rev-er-SHON-ee-eye
16 to 20 in.
20 to 24 in.


pink, fading to buff


16 to 20 in.

20 to 24 in.


Texas and Oklahoma


USDA zones 5-10

hardy to 6,000 ft.

Undaunted ruby muhly is a selection of a native grass found in the grasslands of Texas and Oklahoma. The thin grey-green leaves grow as a small arching mound.

In fall, the leaves are topped by many small, beautiful pink seedheads which create a misty appearance. It looks beautiful both as an accent plant or planted in masses. It naturally grows on rocky hillsides and grows best in hot microclimates.


pink, fading to buff


16 to 20 in.

20 to 24 in.


Texas and Oklahoma


USDA zones 5-10

hardy to 6,000 ft.

Undaunted ruby muhly has performed well at the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden. It has beautiful pink seedheads in fall, resembling a mist cloud. In addition, this grass seems to be left alone by rabbits. Although it's not that noticeable during the growing season, it is stunning once it flowers in fall. 

It is great choice for adding fall interest to the landscape. This is not a good selection for higher elevation landscapes in the Colorado Springs area because it will not produce the beautiful seedheads without a long, warm growing season.

In early spring, cut the old growth to ground level.