Galium odoratum
4 to 8 in.
8 to 12 in.
Europe, northern Africa, Asia
part shade to full shade
USDA zones 4-8
hardy to 8,000 ft.
Sweet woodruff is a low-growing, flowering perennial for full or part shade areas. It can form a dense groundcover by creeping roots.
The small, bright green leaves are beautiful, making it an attractive plant when not in bloom. In late spring it produces fragrant, white, star-like flowers. This plant is one of the better choices for groundcover in shady, moderate or high water areas in the Pikes Peak region.
Sweet woodruff is growing in a shady spot of the Xeriscape Garden. Several times the sprinklers malfunctioned in the area where it is planted, which allowed the area to dry out. The sweet woodruff suffered badly, dying back significantly.
When it gets regular moisture, it is a nice, uniform, fragrant, dense groundcover. It is a reliable, attractive plant, just not for low water areas.
Remove old plant stems and leaves in early spring before new growth starts.