Summer Wine Ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Seward'

fy-so-KAR-pus op-yoo-lih-FOH-lee-us
4 to 6 ft.
4 to 6 ft.



May to June

4 to 6 ft.

4 to 6 ft.


native species occurs from central to eastern US


USDA zones 3-8

hardy to 7,500 ft.

Summer wine ninebark is a medium-sized shrub with beautiful burgundy leaves. The branches grow in an upright, arching manner and have attractive, peeling bark on the thicker stems. In early summer, it produces clusters of small, pinkish-white flowers. 

Summer wine ninebark is a tough, resilient shrub that is well-adapted to Colorado Springs landscapes. It is smaller than Diablo ninebark, stays more compact, and has redder leaves.  



May to June

4 to 6 ft.

4 to 6 ft.


native species occurs from central to eastern US


USDA zones 3-8

hardy to 7,500 ft.

At the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden, summer wine ninebark has been an excellent performer. Not only is the leaf color is eye-catching, but it has grown well in hot, full sun areas with minimal maintenance.

If the older branches are thinned out regularly, the plant retains a beautiful appearance. It could be used as a specimen plant, or also an effective background shrub for plants with white or pink flowers.

Prune out dead, flopping, or older branches to keep the shrub looking fresh and nicely shaped.