Redleaf Rose

Rosa glauca

RO-zuh GLAW-kuh
6 to 8 ft.
4 to 6 ft.

low to moderate



6 to 8 ft.

4 to 6 ft.



sun, part shade

USDA zones 3-9

hardy to 9,000 ft.

Redleaf rose is a shrub known for its burgundy leaves, flowers, and beautiful rose hips. This medium-sized rose has burgundy leaves tinged with blue.

In June, it bears single pink, fragrant blooms that fade to white. After the flowers fade, bright red rose hips appear that persist into winter, extending its ornamental value.

Redleaf rose is drought tolerant and easy to care for. It only blooms once per summer.

low to moderate



6 to 8 ft.

4 to 6 ft.



sun, part shade

USDA zones 3-9

hardy to 9,000 ft.

Redleaf rose is growing at the Cottonwood Creek Xeriscape Demonstration Garden and grows well throughout the Colorado Springs areas. It has proven to be a drought tolerant shrub, and the leaves, flowers, and rose hips are beautiful.

It has suffered from gall insects in the past. Though the galls don't hurt the plant, they can be unsightly.

Prune any winter-killed branches in late spring. Prune to shape, if desired.