Centranthus ruber
June through October
2 to 3 ft.
18 to 24 in.
Mediterranean region, southern Europe and northern Africa to Turkey
USDA zones 5-8
hardy to 9,000 ft.
Red valerian is bushy, clump-forming perennial flower grown for its abundance of red-pink blossoms. The small flowers are held in a large cluster. It has smooth, green-blue leaves.
This is one of the best long-blooming plants for hot, sunny sites in the Colorado Springs area. It will flower from June through October if the spent flowers are removed throughout the growing season.
Red valerian is growing in several locations at the Xeriscape Garden. It is a reliable bloomer and a good performer. It reseeds, but has not become problematic.
The plant has very little winter interest, so plant it with shrubs, grasses, or perennials that have attractive qualities in winter.
Removing the spent flowers throughout the summer will encourage a longer bloomtime. Cut to ground level after the first hard frost.