Penstemon x mexicali 'P008S'
June to August
14 to 18 in.
12 to 14 in.
hybrid from Mexican and American penstemons
sun, part shade
USDA zones 4-8
hardy to 7,000 ft.
Red Rocks penstemon is an upright, slightly mounding perennial flower with narrow, dark green leaves. Bright rose, tubular flowers appear on spikes in early summer and are attractive to hummingbirds.
The combination of the dark pink flowers against the deep green leaves is very attractive. It is an easy-to-grow plant that works well in many landscapes throughout Colorado Springs.
Red Rocks penstemon has grown in the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden for many years. It blooms reliably, has nice leaves, and has bright pink, pretty flowers. It is a good choice for Colorado Springs landscapes.
Remove old plant material in the spring before new growth starts. Removing the spent flowers will encourage some additional blooms.