Argemone polyanthemos
very low
spring to summer
1 to 3 ft.
1 to 2 ft.
central North America
Prickly poppy is a beautiful wildflower that lives for only one growing season.
It has stunning, large, papery white flowers throughout the summer. Although the flowers are graceful and delicate, the blue leaves and stems are covered with sharp spines.
It grows naturally throughout the Colorado Springs area, usually in sandy, dry areas. New plants grow from seed produced the previous year.
Prickly poppy occasionally grows at the xeriscape garden from seed. It only grows in areas not covered with mulch, since the seed must be in contact with the soil in order to germinate.
When it grows, it is quite eye-catching and blooms for a long period. We have tried to transplant potted plants into the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden, but they never have bloomed and die when winter arrives.
None generally required.