Kobold Barberry

Berberis thunbergii 'Kobold'

BUR-bur-is thun-BERJ-ee-eye
12 to 24 in
2 to 3 ft.


cream (no ornamental value)

early spring

12 to 24 in

2 to 3 ft.


Japan (for the species)

sun to filtered shade

USDA zones 4-7

hardy to 6,500 ft.

Kobold barberry is a finely-textured, small and compact shrub. When the leaves emerge in spring, they are a rich green that deepens through the summer. In fall. the leaf color fades to yellow. The tiny red fruits are sparse.

This little shrub requires very little maintenance, forming a compact mound with very little pruning. Can be used for mass plantings or small spaces.


cream (no ornamental value)

early spring

12 to 24 in

2 to 3 ft.


Japan (for the species)

sun to filtered shade

USDA zones 4-7

hardy to 6,500 ft.

This plant is not currently present at the Xeriscape Garden.

Prune out dead branches as needed.