Kannah Creek Buckwheat

Eriogonum umbellatum var. aureum 'Psdowns'

er-ih-OG-uh-num um-bell-AY-tum AW-re-um
12 to 15 in.
12 to 24 in.

low, very low

bright yellow

early to mid-summer

12 to 15 in.

12 to 24 in.


western Colorado

sun, part shade

USDA zones 3-8

hardy to 10,000 ft.

A Colorado native, this durable perennial flower produces masses of bright yellow blossoms. The blooms deepen to orange as they age.

The green leaves form a low mat. In the autumn, the foliage turns to a vivid purple-red, adding color when most flowers are gone. Kannah Creek buckwheat is very durable and drought tolerant once established, growing naturally in western Colorado.

low, very low

bright yellow

early to mid-summer

12 to 15 in.

12 to 24 in.


western Colorado

sun, part shade

USDA zones 3-8

hardy to 10,000 ft.

Kannah Creek buckwheat has grown very well at the Xeriscape Garden. The chartreuse flowers are eye-catching, but the purple leaves in winter are also quite beautiful. It looks great in a rock garden or planted in large masses.

Remove spent flower stalks when no longer attractive.