Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red'
early summer
2 to 3 ft.
18 to 24 in.
species is native to eastern United States
sun, part shade
USDA zones 3-8
hardy to 8,000 ft.
Husker red penstemon is a showy perennial flower, in part because of the striking burgundy leaves. In early summer, it grows spikes of bright white, tubular flowers that have a pink blush.
This plant was developed by the University of Nebraska from the native species. Although it can tolerate part shade, the best leaf color will be produced in areas with full sun.
Husker red penstemon has survived many years at the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden. It need regular moisture to perform its best, but is otherwise a very easy plant to grow. The white flowers contrast nicely with the dark red leaves. It is longer lived than other penstemons.
Cut off spent flower stalks when done blooming, if desired. Cut old stems and leaves down in spring before new growth appears.