Dwarf Shasta Daisy

Leucanthemum x superbum 'Snow Lady'

lew-KANTH-ih-mum soo-PER-bum
1 to 2 ft.
1 to 2 ft.




1 to 2 ft.

1 to 2 ft.


genus is originally from Europe and Asia


USDA zones 5-9

hardy to 8,000 ft.

Snow Lady is a compact, dwarf form of shasta daisy, reaching to only one foot in height. The stout stems easily support the abundance of large white flowers without the need for staking.  

Shasta daisies bloom in mid-summer after most of the spring flowers have finished blooming. The dark green leaves form a dense clump. Snow Lady is worth considering if you have a moderate water area where you'd like to grow a short shasta daisy.




1 to 2 ft.

1 to 2 ft.


genus is originally from Europe and Asia


USDA zones 5-9

hardy to 8,000 ft.

Snow Lady shasta daisy has grown at the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden for many years. It is a beautiful plant, much shorter than many other cultivars. Its height is perfect for the front of flower beds, and is a good choice for landscapes frequently visited by deer. 

Remove spent blooms to the leaves after it flowers. Clumps should be divided every few years.