Crimson Pygmy Barberry

Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Crimson Pygmy'

BUR-bur-is thun-BERJ-ee-eye at-ro-pur-PURR-ee-uh
1 to 2 ft.
2 to 3 ft.


yellow (no ornamental value)

late spring

1 to 2 ft.

2 to 3 ft.


species native to Japan

full sun

USDA zones 4-8

hardy to 7,500 ft.

Crimson pygmy barberry is a small shrub with burgundy leaves. It provides a nice contrasting color when placed next to plants with green or silver foliage.

It is a dense, round shrub with sharply spined stems. The pale yellow flowers, which are hardly noticeable, are small and hidden under the leaves. The small leaves are reddish purple through the growing season. The red fruit is sparse, and stems and thorns are reddish-brown.

A very low maintenance shrub, it is also resistant to deer browsing.


yellow (no ornamental value)

late spring

1 to 2 ft.

2 to 3 ft.


species native to Japan

full sun

USDA zones 4-8

hardy to 7,500 ft.

Several of these shrub have been growing well in the low water zone at the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden for many years. The unique color provides a wonderful background for a variety of plants.

Because deer do not browse Crimson Pygmy barberry, it can be a good choice for landscapes in the foothill areas.

Usually doesn't require pruning. Prune out dead branches as needed.