Compact Yellow Iceplant

Delosperma basuticum 'Gold Nugget'

del-oh-SPUR-muh kon-JES-tuh
1 in.
4 to 6 in.


shiny yellow with white eyes


1 in.

4 to 6 in.


South Africa


USDA zones 4-7

hardy to 8,000 ft.

Compact yellow iceplant is a small, mat-forming groundcover with succulent leaves that stay green through winter. Small, bright, shiny yellow flowers with a distinctive white eye are borne in mid- to late spring (and sporadically after that). The flowers can completely cover the plant.

Its small size makes it best suited to rock gardens. It is very tolerant of drought. This plant grows best when planted in well-drained soil and mulched with pea gravel to prevent the crown from rotting.


shiny yellow with white eyes


1 in.

4 to 6 in.


South Africa


USDA zones 4-7

hardy to 8,000 ft.

Compact yellow iceplant has grown for many years at the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden. It has performed well in the Crevice Rock Garden, where it has a sunny place to grow.

No maintenance is required, except raking debris off the plant as needed. Be sure to plant this in an area with excellent drainage and pea gravel mulch. Some ice plants perform poorly in wood or bark mulch.