Sempervivum arachnoideum
very low
2 to 4 in.
8 to 10 in.
southern Europe
USDA zones 3-8
hardy to 10,000 ft.
Cobweb houseleek is a very small plant that grows in a clump of small rosettes. The mid-green to red leaves grow in a tight set of circles, with white threads crisscrossing between the leaves. New rosettes will grow from the parent plant, connected by a stem, and form a colony.
Pink flowers bloom on a short stalk, after which, the individual rosette dies.
Cobweb houseleek is an interesting plant to tuck in spaces between boulder walls, stepping stones or rock gardens.
This plant performs well in a rock garden at the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden. It also is a great plant for troughs and pots.
None generally needed. Individual rosettes die after flowering, so remove dead sections if needed.