
Walkingstick Cactus

Cylindropuntia imbricata

SIL-in-dro-PUN-shee-a im-brih-KAY-tuh
3 to 4 ft.
3 to 4 ft.

very low

bright pink


3 to 4 ft.

3 to 4 ft.


Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas


USDA zones 5-9

not specified

Cholla is an upright, irregular-shaped cactus that grows naturally south of Colorado Springs to Pueblo. It has small arms (joints) that extend horizontally from the main greenish-grey stems.

Stunning, double, bright pink flowers bloom in summer and are followed by yellow fruit. This plant is a favorite food source for native bees. Cholla is covered in very sharp spines. 

very low

bright pink


3 to 4 ft.

3 to 4 ft.


Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas


USDA zones 5-9

not specified

At the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden, the cholla that is planted in our no water zone has grown quite well. This is a good larger cactus for drier areas of Colorado Springs gardens. The spines are barbed, so plant it far away from pathways or other areas of traffic.

None required.