Penstemon rostriflorus
low, very low
July and August
2 to 3 ft.
2 to 3 ft.
southwestern United States
USDA zones 4-8
hardy to 7,000 ft.
Bridges' penstemon is a perennial flower native to the southwestern United States. It is a somewhat shrubby, long-lived plant with tufts of dark, evergreen foliage.
The slender trumpet-shaped flowers are orange-red and bloom prolifically through the hot summer months. While most penstemons bloom early, Bridges' Penstemon will flower later in the summer. This little-known southwestern native wildflower is noted for having a longer life span than most other penstemons.
Bridge's penstemon is a good choice for a hot sunny location. It has grown well at the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden. The show of scarlet flowers is quite impressive and is a welcome sight later in the growing season.
This plant needs little to no maintainence. It may be pruned lightly in the spring to remove any winter-kill and to create a more compact plant.