Arizona Fescue

Festuca arizonica

fes-TOO-kuh air-ih-ZAWN-ih-kuh
1 to 3 ft.
1 to 2 ft.

very low



1 to 3 ft.

1 to 2 ft.


southwestern United States


USDA zones 2-7

hardy to 10,000 ft.

Arizona fescue is a native bunchgrass that naturally grows in ponderosa pine forest. It can be grown as a small ornamental grass in landscapes.

It grows best during the early part of the summer when the weather is cool. The slender leaves and stems are very graceful and are a blue-green color. In early summer, it produces slender, upright seedheads. As the summer becomes warm and dry, Arizona fescue becomes a light tan color.

It is a good choice if you're looking for a small, native ornamental grass for a low water area. Look for it at nurseries that carry native plants. It also germinates easily from seed.

very low



1 to 3 ft.

1 to 2 ft.


southwestern United States


USDA zones 2-7

hardy to 10,000 ft.

There are several Arizona fescue plants in the Dwarf Conifer Rock Garden of the Xeriscape Garden. They have performed very well. They green up and bloom early in the growing season, then change to a light tan as the summer progresses. Highly recommended.

Cut old stalks and leaves to ground level in late winter before new growth begins.