Apache Plume

Fallugia paradoxa

fah-LEW-gee-uh par-uh-DOKS-uh
4 to 6 ft.
4 to 6 ft.

very low

white followed by feathery pink seed heads

early summer to early fall

4 to 6 ft.

4 to 6 ft.


southwestern United States


USDA zones 4-8

hardy to 8,500 ft.

Apache plume is an incredibly drought-tolerant native shrub with an irregular shape.

In May, beautiful rose-like, simple white flowers bloom. One of the showiest aspects of this plant is the pink, plume-like seed clusters that are produced after the flowers finish. In the right light, they create a soft, rosy glow.

The tiny, finely-lobed green-grey leaves, turn to yellow in the fall.

Apache plume is a must for low water landscapes because it provides four seasons of interest. In addition, it performs very well with no supplemental irrigation.

very low

white followed by feathery pink seed heads

early summer to early fall

4 to 6 ft.

4 to 6 ft.


southwestern United States


USDA zones 4-8

hardy to 8,500 ft.

At the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden, these shrubs grow well. Each year, they produce a good show of flowers. For a woody plant, this shrub has an unusually long bloom period; additionally the attractive seed heads grace the plants in mid-summer.

This is an excellent choice for landscapes where minimal water will be provided. The less water it gets, the smaller the shrub remains.

Minimal to no maintenance is required. Remove any dead or damaged branches as needed.